Essential Oil To Keep The Dog From Peeing On The Carpet

Are you frustrated by the harsh chemicals of dog pee repellents on the carpet? I used homemade solutions often that include essential oil to keep the dog from peeing on the carpet. I will explain how it helped to emit a fresh smell and make stain-free carpets based on my experience.

You might have spent a hard time cleaning dog pee stains from your favorite carpet unless your dogs are potty trained. I was in the same hassle where I finally ended up using essential oils to deter my pet dog from peeing on the carpet.

I opt out of pricy off-the-shelf chemical spray products as they are not a pet and are eco-friendly. Instead, I was in search of powerful repellent and came up with homemade DIY solutions that include vinegar and essential oils with a citrus scent.

Dogs tend to naturally keep away from all that smell citrus. Because citrus creates a sharp smell on a dog’s nose, which is certainly disliked by dogs.

So, you can easily add essential oils based on citrus diluted in a spray bottle with water and vinegar as the best repellent to switch peeing spots of your dogs. Of course, there’s another big use of this solution for the same problem.

Vinegar is not only a dog urine deterrent but also a stain cleaner that reacts instantly on dog peed spots on the carpet. Essential oils not only smell good, but replace the unpleasant odor of vinegar, and strengthen the repellent’s smell.

Best citrus essential oils to deter a dog from peeing

  • Orange essential oil
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Lime essential oil
  • Grapefruit essential oil

I used each of these essential oils diluted in water to check which oil works best as a repellent for my dog. Orange essential oil did wonders to stop stains of dog urine in my home as my dog used to hate it most.

However, this solution should store in a proper spray bottle which is especially suitable for citrus essential oils. The reason why I recommend amber glass spray bottles is simply because their color is made to safely store essential oil with UV protection.

What are the things that I love about an amber glass spray bottle?

  • Simply because it is specialized and recommended by the manufacturer to store essential oils that provide UV protection because of the amber color of the spray bottle.
  • Amber glass is resistant to citrus-based oils specifically.
  • It has a great design that fits in my hand perfectly.
  • The adjustable spray nozzle comes with spray, stream, and off settings. So, it sprays more liquid on a larger area as needed.
  • Unlike disposable spray bottles, amber gals spray bottles are refillable as much as you need.
  • I didn’t want to constantly refill the spray bottle as it is large enough to store more solutions at once.
  • This product is BPA and chemical free which is safe for vinegar as well.

You may hesitate to invest in a spray bottle for just a dog repellent. But this is, of course, worth every penny as you can use it for any homemade DIY solution to get it stored.

The pack included 2 bottles and I highly recommend this to store your DIY dogs’ repellent safely to prevent UV damage.


How To Prepare Dogs’ Pee Repellent DIY Solution?

Once you choose the essential oil that your dog hates the most, it’s time to prepare the solution distilled with vinegar and water. Follow the steps carefully.

Step 1: Cleaning The Spray Bottle

Make sure to use an empty and clean spray bottle to store the solution. Because this is the best way to ensure the deterrent is safe inside the bottle.

Step 2: Mixing Vinegar With Water

Take one and a half cups of water and two tablespoons of white vinegar. I put them into a bowl and mixed them well.

Make sure to mix with the right amount of water to avoid the strong smell of vinegar. Also, this helps to prevent any possible harm in case this gets digested by a dog when licking on the sprayed surface.

Step 3: Adding Essential Oils

Add 20 drops of essential oil that you selected to the mixture. It is advised to at least add 20 drops to be strong enough to act as a repellent for dogs.

Step 4: Storing And Using The Solution

Pour the mixture into the spray bottle and position it in a safer place, probably in your kitchen. Give it a good shake before use.

Spray on the carpet directly in certain areas to work as a deterrent to keep away your dog from peeing. This also helped me to get rid of dog pee stains and foul smell instantly.

Even a few drops of eucalyptus, cinnamon, or sour apple essential oil diluted with water is also able to tackle foul smells perfectly. However, you must not use essential oils directly anywhere around the house as it can cause a very serious issue on dogs’ skin.

So yes, you must dilute each essential oil as needed and test it on your beloved dog before using it for any purpose.

Final Thoughts – Essential Oil To Keep The Dog From Peeing On The Carpet

Dogs have a natural habit of marking their territory by peeing around the area they live in. Homeowners often get disturbed by this whenever it happens on carpet or rug.

Because stains on carpets are hard to deal with and could last longer if they are unattended. So, I prepared a natural repellent including essential oils to keep my dog from peeing on the carpet without using chemical products that promise to do the same job.

Essential oils act to repel dogs from lingering around a certain area when trying to pee on unacceptable objects in your house. I could even use it to get rid of the foul odor of dogs’ pee whenever they accidentally pee on the spot around the house.

However, your dog’s safety should always be in the first place before using any of these products. Because if not used as instructed, essential oils or vinegar can cause health issues in your beloved dogs.